BEAST Training Facility has two great clinics to stay sharp during school break!
Coach TJ's School Break Hitting Clinic is back!
April 23rd-26th (Tues-Fri)
Join Coach TJ for this week long clinic covering both the physical and mental aspects of hitting!
-Foundation/Lower Half
-Separation/Hitting Position
-Barrel Path/Extension
-Pitch Location/Timing
7-9 year olds - 11:30am-1:00pm
10-12 year olds - 1:00pm-2:30pm
$200 Per Player
REGISTER HITTING HEREJoin BEAST defensive specialist Coach Mike Mescia for a one day fielding clinic!
Thursday April 25th
Players will work on fielding fundamentals including:
-Proper glove technique
-Fast and soft hands
-Agile feet
and more
7-9 year olds - 1:00pm-2:00pm
10-12 year olds - 2:30pm-3:30pm
$35 per player
Both clinics open to players from all organizations but space is limited.